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Hosted by Kathryn at Book Date
It’s been a crazy week in my work life. My school has turned in to a germ fest! Schools are always pretty germ rich places, but last week that moved to an extreme. There were so many kids absent on Monday and Tuesday that we had to notify the health department. All you hear in class is sniffling, coughing, and nose blowing. It’s gross! I feel like any minute I’ll also be sick. To be honest, I’m almost hoping I get it this week because in less than two weeks I’m leaving on a big trip and want to get any illnesses out of the way now. Better still, I’d like to avoid it all together!
On a much brighter note my week in books was great, as I hope yours was. I’ve dipped into the first books from my Spring Preview 2019 which I’m excited to be sharing with you on Thursday. I had so many books I wanted to share that this preview is a bit bigger than most. You’re sure to find some really great reads on it!
Last Week’s Reads
- Many books about WWII have been among my very favorites. The Last Year of the War by Susan Meissner didn’t quite rise to that level, but I still enjoyed it very much. It followed the lives of two friends who met while in an internment camp in Texas.
- You’ve probably seen a lot of hype around The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. It’s everywhere! I listened to this one and the narration was terrific. I knew the story ended with surprising twist, and because I knew that, I correctly guessed what it was. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and hope to review it next week.
Currently Reading
- DNF – Early last week I tried The Altruists by Andrew Ridker, but just couldn’t stay interested in the story. I gave it 20%, but even that far in Ridker still seemed to be laying the groundwork for the heart of his story. Unfortunately, I couldn’t wait any longer.
- When I first started reading My Lovely Wife by debut author Samantha Downing I wasn’t sure if I could do it. It’s about a husband and wife team who abduct and kill women. I was a little put off by the premise and the casualness of the couple, but the Goodreads recommendations were high and the reviews very positive, so I stuck with it. I’m so glad I did! With only 50 pages left, I can hardly wait to see how the story ends.
- So far all I’ve listened to is the sample of The River by Peter Heller, but I can already tell I’m going to like it. I’ve never read Heller before, and this story of a canoeing trip gone awry sounded perfect for my next exciting audiobook.
Likely to Read Next
- In preparation for my trip I’m trying to get all my print reading done now and both these books I have in print. I’m going to give In Another Time by Jillian Cantor a quick chance. I’ve read a lot of historical fiction already this year and just finished another WWII book. I’m hoping Cantor’s story really grabs me, but if not….I’m done!
- Julie Langsdorf’s debut, White Elephant, might be described as the story of a dysfunctional neighborhood. All I know is that it sounds really fun and just the sort of book I most enjoy. Plus, I love that cover.
I hope you have a great week in books!
Disclaimer: There are Amazon Associate links contained in this post.
My Lovely Wife is one that I’m looking forward to, because the premise is so crazy!
Wow, that’s a lot of sick kids! Fingers crossed for you!
I think you’ll enjoy My Lovely Wife. If you’re uncomfortable at the beginning just stay with it!
Hoping you love THE RIVER as much as I did. If you do love it, put his THE PAINTER on your list.
Thanks for the tip. I’m really enjoying The River. I like Jack and Wynn a lot.
That’s interesting we both came across The River at the same time:) I haven’t seen anyone posting about it on instagram or really goodreads either. I do think you may enjoy the literary style more than I did, I seem to be in the mood for fast paced or psychopaths lately🤷♀️All those germs!! Fingers crossed you stay healthy for your trip!
I found The River on Amazon’s best books of the month. You’re right that it really hasn’t been around much. I really like it so far. I will text when done!
I’m very curious about The River. I can’t wait to see what you think of it.
My poor daughter-in-law and son and granddaughter have been sick for two weeks. It’s everywhere.
I have taken over a linkup called The Sunday Salon, and I’d invite you to link up at my blog and/or on the old Facebook site. It doesn’t have to be on Sunday. I would be happy if you would share this with others.
I hope I am able to post my comment. I’ve had so much trouble trying to post on WordPress today!
My website is readerbuzz dot blogspot dot com.
Thanks for telling me about your new work with The Sunday Salon. I’d have to post on Monday mornings, but sounds like that’s fine. Will try it next week.
I hate it when posting comments gets messy!
Too bad The Altruists didn’t work for you! I see what you mean about the setup, though–it did go on for quite a while.
I’m really looking forward to The River–I loved Heller’s The Dog Stars. I went back and forth on my library hold for The River–started with audio and then switched to print. I’ll be interested to see how the audio works for you!
So, would The Altruists really pick up if I gave it a little longer? I’d be willing to go back if I knew the payoff would be worth it. You really liked it?
I’ll report back on The River when done.
I had mixed feelings. I really liked Ridker’s writing, and that’s what kept me reading. If that didn’t grab you, I’d say it’s fine to give it a pass. The story itself was kind of meandering and jumped back and forth in time a lot, so the pace stayed pretty slow.
I enjoyed The Silent Patient…and that ending was stunning.
I am curious about White Elephant.
Have a great week, and here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great week.
I’ve seen a lot hype for The River. I’ll wait for your review. My library holds for print books was up to the limit and now there is a huge line for Silent Patient. Put a hold on the ebook, maybe by the end of the year!
I hadn’t seen much of anything on The River. I feel like I went into it pretty cold. I’ve only listend to about 20%, but so far I like it.
Now The Silent Patient…there’s a hyped book!
The germs are one of the many things I don’t miss about working in a school. It is bad enough that my brother brings home germs from Target – but not very often. Come see my week here. Happy reading!
So many of these are on my TBR list: Silent Patient, the Peter Heller boo and White Elephant. I hope I can get the audio of Silent Patient – love read/listen combos.
I’ve never done a read/listen combo, but really want to try it sometime. I’d need to find the perfect book. Maybe something really long?
What ever hype there is for The Silent Patient hasn’t made it to my neck of the woods. My weekly updates
Wow! I’m surprised. It’s all over social media and best thriller lists.
So, I DNF’d White Elephant. It wasn’t bad, just hadn’t started going anywhere by 20% and I really didn’t care. Maybe suffering from Daisy Jones hangover too 🙂
I’m going to hold off on White Elephant for now. I have SO many April ARC’s and am losing a couple weeks of reading time, so am moving on to April books now.
It really seems like everyone is sick this winter, doesn’t it? In our family, someone has been sick for an entire month.
I haven’t read In Another Time, but I really liked Jillian Cantor’s book The Hours Count. I hope it’s a good read for you!
I ended up DNFing In Another Time. For me it was too much of a love story and not enough on the historical part of historical fiction.
My husband grabbed my library copy of Peter Heller’s The River and he’s almost done with it. I think he likes it. Seems good. I think I will try to get the audio of The Silent Patient based on your liking it. I know nothing about it but want to go in blind — I never guess the endings correctly. ha I’m a sucker
I really like going into books blind, but with what we do, that can sometimes be hard. I think you’d enjoy BOTH The Silent Patient and The River on audio.
Lovely mailbox. I like WWI and II settings myself. Each story is unique.