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Happy New Year! Another one is over and in the books, and we’re all moving on to a fresh new year. For me, 2018 seemed longer than usual, while it already feels like 2019 is starting to fly by. With a tough work year, books truly have been a balm for my soul as have all the bookish conversations I’ve enjoyed through this blog and so many others. Book lovers are the best and I continue to be grateful to be a part of this community every single day. Thanks to all of you!
Looking Back at 2018 Goals
- Goodreads – My goal for 2018 was 100 books and I completed the year at 110. I am absolutely amazed that I got in that many, especially since my fall was so light on books. Having summer off really helps!
- Nonfiction – My goal for nonfiction books was to read 18. I fell one short of that at 17, and to be honest completely forgot about this goal. Still, I’m satisfied and have truly learned to enjoy nonfiction, especially memoirs.
- The Library – I’ve gone from not using the library at all to a sort of minimal use of the library. The Libby app has helped, but I still have a long way to go here.
- Did Not Finish – I wanted to learn to quit on books that I wasn’t enjoying more easily, with less angst. I think I succeeded because I went from not finishing 12% of my books in 2017 to 20% in 2018. I see that higher rate of DNF’s as a good sign. I’m learning to say NO!
- Pinterest – I wanted to get better at using Pinterest and if anything I got worse. I just can’t get into the whole Pinterest community even though I know doing so would do a lot for Novel Visits.
- Organization – Did I get more organized? Truly, no. I do use Sarah’s Rock Your Reading Tracker and that made doing this post SO much simpler, but I have a long way to go with overall organization. I’ve become very good at procrastination!
- Wrapping it Up! – I wanted to change the format of my monthly wrap ups and I did. I really like what I’ve done with them, but they are A LOT of work. I’m not sure I’ll be continuing with them for 2019. (Feedback on this would be appreciated.)
2018 Reading Statistics
Goals for 2019
- Goodreads Goal – I know not everyone loves setting a Goodreads goal, but I really do. If I don’t make it, I never beat myself up over it, and I like having something to strive for. That being said, I’m setting my goal for 100 book in 2019 (same as 2018). I don’t anticipate getting quite as much reading done in the next year, so want to keep it real.
- Take a Blog Vacation (without stressing) – I have a really fun trip to Portugal coming up in early spring. My sister, two of my cousins, and I are headed over for a girl’s trip exploring the country our grandfather came from. Working right up to the day before we leave, I’ll have no time to get ahead on posts, so for that two week trip, I’m just going to have to let it go.
- Library – I had some success with using the library and want to be even more proactive with that his year.
- Audiobooks – I listen to a fair amount of audiobooks and review many of those. As such, I’d love to figure out a way to get my hands on some audiobook ARC’s. As of now, I’m paying for almost all the new releases I listen to.
- Pinterest – Yes, again. Maybe this year I’ll actually get better at it!
- Social Media Scheduling – In the summer, I hope to finally start learning/using one of the many social media scheduling programs out there.
- Less Procrastination – Between teaching and book blogging, I have become great at procrastination. My norm has become to always be running at the last minute and four or five years ago this was NOT me. This year I’d like to find a way to strike more of a balance.
- Wrapping It Up! – I feel like something about my end of month posts need to change because honestly, I don’t like writing them and don’t think people care all that much. Again, any ideas and or suggestions here would be appreciated.
- Continue to LOVE Books – I had to give myself a really easy one!
You had a great year! 110 books is awesome! And so glad the tracker made this post easier!
And – I like your 2019 goal of taking a blogging break. I’m going to have to do that a couple times in 2019…and a podcast break. I’m barely able to keep up with the blog and podcast without getting ahead so I can post during a vacation. And, I’m going to have to change some things on the blog to allow for the podcast.
Pinterest – what I love about it is you don’t actually have to engage with the community. I use Tailwind to schedule my pins, treat the Pin description like a search engine (use keywords), schedule your pins and forget it!
I’ll get back to you on Pinterest this summer. No time to figure it out until then!
I already feel angst over the blogging break, but I simply have to do it.
Congratulations on a very successful 2018… and thank you for all the wonderful book recommendations this year! I’m going to try to keep better stats next year for source and format. I suspect I used the library so much this year that the books on my shelves have languished. A girl’s trip to Portugal sounds so exciting! Wishing you all the best for 2019.
JoAnn, you’re so nice. I always appreciate your kind comments and love talking books with you. Happy New year to you.
What a great reading year Susie, 110 books is fantastic! I also love setting a Goodreads goal, it doesn’t cause me stress but actually helps to give me motivation. I think a goal I’ll have this year is to NOT take a blogging break haha. Your trip to Portugal sounds so fun! I tried Pinterest as well but don’t get it so I’ve stopped even looking at it
Thanks for all the great book talk, Renee and I hope 2019 is very good to you and your family.
YOur up-coming trip sounds wonderful! If a post is stressing you out, that’s a sign to let it go. Really, life’s too short. I let my blog sit when I went to Europe last summer and it was really the smart thing to do. Good luck with your 2019 goals!
You were part of my inspiration for taking a blogging break for this trip. I had noticed you did it and then smoothly stepped back in. I’d like to talk to you sometime about the possibility getting ARC’s of audiobooks, since I consider you the audiobook guru!
What a great year of reading! I like your goals for next year – I fully believe in blog breaks. I’m pretty good about planning ahead, but it’s nice to have a week or two where I’m not stressing about finding something to write about.
What a great reading year! I love your blog and recommendations and am looking forward to your thoughts in 2019. Your upcoming trip sounds amazing!
Thanks so much, RK. I always appreciate your kind words and am happy that some of my recommendations have worked well for you. Have a wonderful 2019.
Absolutely and thank you! Wishing you a wonderful 2019 as well.
Someday I plan to do more stats…in terms of authors, etc. I haven’t done a Goodreads Challenge in a couple of years…but I track my numbers, and have read 147 this year.
What I love most is that I am also DNF-ing books when I don’t love them.
Thanks for sharing, and Happy New Year. Here are MY WEEKLY UPDATES
147! That’s fabulous, and I agree that becoming good at DNFing is critical to reading happiness. Happy New Year.
Yes stopping books when not enjoying is good to do although if I have a review book I feel I should finish!I have used the library far better in the last year and used the reserve aspect to look ahead to get books being published during the year. Its worked so well. Yes I buy my audiobooks too, it would be nice to have ARCs, but the plus side of buying is I usually love what I buy. I think there is a return option if I don’t.
You’re so right about the audiobooks, Kathryn. I return books I don’t like to Audible all the time. It does save money and the pain of listening to books I don’t enjoy.
You had a good year. I like that you exceeded your GoodReads goal. I’m going to set mine low again next year and increase it as I meet it. I hope you have a wonderful trip to Portugal. Come see my week here. Happy reading and happy New Year!
Thanks, Kathleen and Happy New Year to you, too!
I liked looking at all your stats. The library accounts for about half of my books each year. I don’t take ARCs which gives me a lot of freedom in what I read and blog about. My last update for the year
Thanks, Sarah. I don’t think I could completely give up ARC’s, but the freedom that would give could be lovely.
I would like to get audio ARCs too, but haven’t figured that out either. I do get to review a lot of Audible titles but they aren’t always new releases and the genres are a bit limited at times. See what I read at Girl Who Reads
Wow! I just visited your blog and am amazed at how much you’re able to get done each week. Congratulations on that! I’m happy when I can squeeze out three posts and don’t think I’ve ever done more than four. How do you do it?
I have 2 reviewers who read a lot, and I have two authors who contribute a monthly post. It’s the only way to keep up posting 7 days a week. When I was on my own I could usually get 5 days, but I had a lot more guest posts, interviews, and featured book posts.
What a successful year 2018 was – meeting a fair few goals. I think it is great you have grown with regards to DNF’ing; I definitely think as book bloggers it can be harder to let a book go, as opposed to a ‘regular reader’, but it is perhaps even more important because of that to disengage from the books that aren’t engaging us.
Good luck with your new year goals, and I wish you all the best for 2019!
Thanks so much, Jade. I think knowing when to pull the plug on a book is one of the hardest things to do as a blogger. I think it’s something that we’re all always working on. Have a wonderful 2019!
What a great reading year! And, oh my goodness, I would love to go to Portugal so I will look forward to reading about your upcoming trip. Wishing you a Happy New Year!
Thanks so much, Iliana and Happy New Year to you, too!
Congratulations on the books read this year! That is a huge number for someone who has a full-time job. And I’m with you- I love Goodreads. Also, I give up on Pinterest. It’s too time consuming and I don’t see a return on investment.
As for the library, I hope you can make it work for you. For me, I’ve already requested spring books that haven’t even come in yet. Your system should be entering books when they order them and you could find yourself first on the hold list. It makes me feel less dependent on publishers.
As for a break, I highly recommend it. I took one in December and loved it. I read almost nothing but library books and without the thought of reviewing. It was marvelous.
I’ll probably need some pep talks from you and Sarah in mid-March as I approach that break. I have to do it and I think once I get there, I’ll be able to let it go, but I know the lead up will be hard. Time to get together soon?
Happy 2019! I stopped doing monthly recaps because they took much time, but I like them. You should only do them if you want to! I don’t get all the Pinterest love either haha
Congrats on reading so many books <3
Thanks, Annie and I hope your 2019 goes well. (After Portugal, I’ll be heading to Barcelona for a few days.)
You can get a fair number of audio books from Libby. Your local library might also subscribe to Hoopla, which also has audio books. I find by using the two apps I can always have a fairly recent audio book going. Embrace the library! You pay for it anyway;)
You’re right that I could do more with the library, but on Libby I rarely can get a new audiobook in the first couple weeks after its release. Sadly, if it’s one I really want to listen to, I’ve usually bought it by that time. However, I am trying to work on the library, so thanks for the words of encouragement, Susan.
110 is a great year of reading, congrats! Give yourself a break when you go to Portugal. I let my blog sit when we went to France last June and it was nice not to worry about it. I think your goals sound good. Sometimes Contemporary Fiction and Literary Fiction intersect right? I’m a little foggy sometimes on what to label a book. Happy 2019.
You had such a great year in books. I hope 2019 is just as amazing or even more. Ive been seeing many interesting new releases