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I know I’m not alone in feeling like easy listening is the way to go with audiobooks right now. I often prefer my audiobooks a little on the lighter side, but with COVID-19, quarantines, social distancing, and an uncertain future, right now they’re essential! The two places I most often listen to books are on my commute to work and on walks. The commute is now from my bedroom to my dining room, so that’s gone, but walks have become absolutely essential for maintaining my sanity. I try to get out for about an hour a day and most often I’m listening to an audiobook. Today I’m sharing two on the lighter side that recently worked for me, The Happy Ever After Playlist and American Royals.
The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez
Narrators: Zachary Webber and Eroin Mallon
Publisher: Forever (Hachette Audio)
Release Date: April 14, 2020
Length: 400 pages (9 hrs. 17 min.) Amazon
My Thoughts: No one was more surprised than me that I liked this book SO much. It is undeniably a romance, not even a romance couched in a bigger story. Pure romance. The basic plot goes something like this: grieving woman (Sloan) finds dog, can’t find the owner, falls in love with the dog, owner (Jason, an up and coming indie musician) resurfaces, owner wants his dog, the Sloan and Jason bond, fall in love, trouble follows, eventually they triumph! I don’t think I gave anything away. We all know things work out in a true romance, yet somehow this one felt different to me.
Sloan, Jason and almost all the supporting characters were really likable. I was rooting for them. I had no doubt the two would be together in the end, but the journey, getting there through meeting, falling in love, going on tour, it was all fun. The Happy Ever After Play List did exactly what a great book (especially on audio) should do. It took me to another place and got me out of my own head space. After I finished, I missed the characters and wanted to be back in their lives. If you’re looking for a fun escape, The Happy Ever After Playlist is it. Grade: A-
Note: I received a copy of this audiobook from Hachette Audio (via in exchange for my honest thoughts.
American Royals by Katharine McGee
Narrator: Brittany Pressley
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers (Listening Library)
Release Date: September 3, 2019
Length: 448 pages (13 hrs. 53 min.) Amazon
My Thoughts: Perhaps even a bigger surprise than me listening to a romance novel is the fact that I listened to a YA novel! Young adult is not my thing, but at the very beginning of everything shutting down, I was desperate for a fun audiobook and remembered that SO many people I trust had loved American Royals last fall. I had a bunch of audiobook credits and absolutely nothing to lose, so why not? Central to the premise on this one is the idea that when America was founded George Washington became its first king rather than president. Now these many years later, for the first time ever, a woman is first in line for the throne. The story revolves around Princess Beatrice and her twin siblings, Princess Samantha and Prince Jefferson. The three are all very young adults trying to balance obligations and expectations with their own hearts.
American Royals did exactly what I hoped it would. It distracted me from the real world and plopped me down into a different one. In that it was exactly what I wanted at the time, but it was VERY young adult. I can’t lie, there was a lot of eye rolling going on about some of the highly improbable twists. Still, I was entertained and liked the three royal offspring quite a lot. It was actually s couple of the side characters who I found most annoying. This book has been beloved by many and has a sequel, Majesty, coming out in September. Will I read/listen to it? I guess that depends on the state of the world and how much I need to escape! Grade: B –
Thank you for this! I haven’t listened to an audiobook in over 6 weeks and I miss it so much. I usually only listen in the car or walking on the treadmill t the gym. Those things are both things that I am no longer doing so I need to find another outlet. We are book twins so I will give these a try.
I am listening to the book and loving the story also. It’s a perfect love story and the narrators are great!
I’ve been spending some time on jigsaw puzzles and have found that’s a really good time to listen to books and also when cooking. Glad to hear we’re book twins. I hope these work for you.
American Royals was such a fun, fluffy book! Kind of like her previous series with all the drama!
American Royals was my first Katherine McGee book, so I may need to investigate her others.
The meet-cute for The Happily Ever After Playlist is riveting! Totally brought me out of something of an audiobook slump where I just couldn’t pay attention. I found the middle to be maddening in the character’s choices (Not sure real people make those choices) but the conclusion is quite rewarding. I enjoyed it very much. Thanks for recommending. Jimenez is a great wordsmith.
I listened to it at the perfect time. It was in those fairly early lockdown days and I was willing to overlook a lot as long as a book kept me engaged and feeling good. Jimenez definitely achieved all that and more. Timing is everything!